Do's and Don'ts
1. Do smile when you greet people.
2. Do shake hand with men for greeting, but not women
unless they offer to do so first.
3. Do wear neatly when entering places of worship.
4. Do take off your shoes before entering a
Malaysian home or religious buildings.
5. Do follow simple rules when visiting places of
6. Do use right hand to receive or give something.
7. Do wait to convert your currency in Malaysia.
There is restriction of bringing large amounts of ringgit into or out of the
1.Do not touch the head of an adult. Touching people
on the head is considered rude.
2.Do not point forefinger at things. Instead, the
thumb of the right hand with four fingers folded under is the preferred way.
3.Do not point your feet towards people or sacred
4.Do not wear hot pants and vests at mainland beaches
if you are female.
5.Do not kiss in public. Most Malaysians refrain
from displaying affection such as embracing or kissing in public.
6.Do not discuss ethnic relations or the political
system. They are both sensitive subjects.
7. Do not ever involve in illegal drugs. There is a
mandatory death penalty for trafficking